Way to Be
9 Ways to be Happy and Make Something of your Life
Gordon B. Hinkley
- Be grateful:
- Quote: It is not happy people who are thankful; but thankful people who are happy.
- Reflection: This way will make you be happy because you will be thankful for everything that you have. For example, be thankful that you have a home and you are not starving to death
- Quote:"Stay stupid or fight for being smart."
- Reflection:This quote means that in order to be smart you have to try. For example, in order to pass a test with a good score you have to study or else you will fail the test because you didn't try to pass it.
- Quote:"When you do good work, people will notice you." -Ram Kapoor
- Reflection: This quote means exactly what it states. For example, if you are doing a good job at football practice, the coaches will notice you and give you the position/s you want to play.
- Quote:"Create in me a clean heart, o god, and renew a right spirit within me." -Author Unknown
- Reflection: This quote is talking about having a clean heart which involves doing the right thing and choosing the right. For example, a person with a clean heart doesn't do drugs or drinks alcohol, instead they are involved in school and do sports or clubs.
5. Be True
- Quote: “The moon does not fight. It attacks no one. It does not worry. It does not try to crush others. It keeps to its course, but by its very nature, it gently influences. What other body could pull an entire ocean from shore to shore? The moon is faithful to its nature and its power is never diminished.”
- Reflection: For all of our history, when people think they see themselves, they are always seeing themselves reflected backwards. Recently, with cameras and video, they can get a sense of what they look like forwards, but it’s a static or non-eye to eye view. However, as it turns out, the backward images and person we see in a mirror is profoundly different from what is real. The backwardness distorts not just our features, but the information in our faces and personalities as well. No wonder we see ourselves differently than others see us!
6. Be positive:
- Quote:"Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow." -Helen Keller
- Reflection: This quote means that if you stick to being positive you will never see the negative side to things. It means to ignore the bad stuff in your life and focus on the things that are good. To be positive means to think good. For example, being positive towards taking a test and thinking that you will do good on it. To apply this new way i will be positive.
7. Be humble:
- Quote:"My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind."
- Reflection:Being humble it being kind to others. caring for them when they need you to take care of them and don't be rude someone.be a loving person to them and always to kind yo one another because that's being a ctr person. it is also a very good thing to do. that will also make you a very good person.
8. Be Still
- Quote: The point is that when I see a sunset or a waterfall or something, for a split second it's so great, because for a little bit I'm out of my brain, and it's got nothing to do with me. I'm not trying to figure it out, you know what I mean? And I wonder if I can somehow find a way to maintain that mind stillness.
- Reflection: To be still means to relax stay calm don't worry about anything be a calm person. not one that doesn't know how to sit down and be true to themselves be kind and heart warming. also be kind and a cool person. be a Ctr person im doing these posts to show to people to be a Ctr person. you and you're family should be ctr people because being one is a very good thing to do. No one is going to want to hang out with you if you're choosing the wrong.
9. Be Prayerful
Reflection: These 9 ways will help you succeed in life because you will become a CTR person and will always do the right thing even if it is the hardest thing to do. For example, being clean will help you because you will be free of drugs and acohol. You will also have a clean mentality. You can also succeed by being thankful. For example, you will be thankful that you have a roof over your haed and that you have something to eat instead of feeling bad because you can't get the new game that you want. Or be thamkful that you are healthy instead of worrying about getting the newest smartphone.
Reflection: These 9 ways will help you succeed in life because you will become a CTR person and will always do the right thing even if it is the hardest thing to do. For example, being clean will help you because you will be free of drugs and acohol. You will also have a clean mentality. You can also succeed by being thankful. For example, you will be thankful that you have a roof over your haed and that you have something to eat instead of feeling bad because you can't get the new game that you want. Or be thamkful that you are healthy instead of worrying about getting the newest smartphone.
oh ok