Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Becoming Your Best

Becoming Your Best
The 12 Principles of Highly Successful Leaders
1. Be true to character

2. Use your imagination

3. Apply the power of knowledge


4: Never give up

Reflection: You should never give up on anything. This will make you become your best because you will push yourself to the limits all the time.

5. Find peace and balance

Reflection: When you are at peace you are a calm person and you are balanced this will help you live a happy life. this would help you be at peace with yourself and the others all around you. this is a very important thing too have in life this will help you a lot in life.
How will i apply this new principle: The way i would apply this principle to my daily life is by being a peaceful person 

6. Live the Golden Rule

Reflection: The golden rule means that you give what you get. If you get love and care you will love and care for other people. Everything that you do to other people will be done to you. If you are mean to people and you bully them, you will be bullied because everything comes back to you

7.Build and maintain trust

8.Quick to listen slow to wrath

Reflection:This quote is saying that anger can harm the person that is angry and all the people who you are angry at. The principle is basically telling you to listen quickly and not to get mad easily.

9.Lead with vision

Reflection: This principle tells you to lead with vision. This means that you have to lead with ideas of what you are going to do and how you're going to do it. For example, if you're doing a group project for school and you are the leader, you have to know what you are going to do and you have to have creative ideas on how to do stuff.

10. Manage with a plan

Reflection: This is basically telling you that if you don't have a plan you will not know what to do any things can go wrong. To prevent this you need to plan out what you are going to do. You need to plan out every single thing so when the time comes to do the project you will be ready and you will know what to do.

11.Do what matters most

Reflection:This is saying that you should do the things that are most important first. you have to do your priorities first and then you can do other stuff. For example, you should focus on your homework first and once you're done you can text your friends or go out.

12. Be accountable

Reflection; Being accountable means you have to be able to explain your actions. This means that you are responsible for what you do and what you don't do. For example, you have to be able to explain why you didn't do your homework and why you did something else instead.

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